Employee Life Cycle: 8 Phases and Tips to Manage Them
Feb 23, 2022
Did you know that each of your workers goes through an employee life cycle while working for your organization? Understanding what happens in every part of this process, and having systems to manage them, will make your responsibility a bit easier.
Besides, it will help you take care of our people and make sure that their experience working for you is positive. Which will translate into good employer branding and a better staff in the long run.
Make a note of the eight phases of the employee lifecycle. Analyze how well you manage them in your organization, and learn some tips to handle each stage.
- Recruit
Whether you have an online process, an in-store one or you opt for a recruiter's professional service, future employees or candidates will look at the actions and activities you do to attract them. So be sure to have consistency and develop reliable resources to help you attract new talent for your organization.
Recruiting is critical, especially if you have a growing organization, and it tends to cost a lot, not only in terms of money but also in the time you dedicate to finding the right people. So having access to effective resources will be very profitable. Study and measure each recruiting resource to determine what is best for your business.
Prepare your organization for growth with these 10 tips.
- Hire
Do you have a professional, consistent way to hire new employees? This particular phase will set the tone for their relationship with you and your organization. It is very important that not only you but your leaders and the people involved in the selection and evaluation of candidates have the same process, and follows it without fail.
- Onboard
The onboarding process is the first impression that the new staff has on you and your organization. By the end of their first day of work, they’ll know whether they made the right decision to take the job or not, based on how you treated them.
That’s why it’s crucial to have and execute a very clear and high-level process to make people feel welcome and part of the team since day 1. Document that process and verify that it is implemented in all of your units to have positive results.
Watch this video to learn how you can reduce turnover.
- Train
You don't do training just to teach an employee how to do a job. Training is a way to share the tools, the knowledge, and the resources workers need to feel capable and confident to do what they were hired to do.
As I explained in a previous blog post, not receiving what they need to perform well enough is one of the reasons why people quit their jobs (watch it here).
- Recognize
Acknowledge when a team member is doing a great job. Define a system to recognize these great performances, and do it consistently among all team members. Otherwise, you’ll make the ignored person feel bad. Remember: as a business leader, you must motivate your people and make them feel valuable to you and your organization.
- Discipline
At some point, your new employee might behave in a way that either you or one of your leaders won’t agree with. As a multi-unit business owner, you need to establish a very consistent process to discipline employees when they underperform by choice, and not by lack of knowledge.
The way that I look at discipline is not to reprimand somebody, but to correct behavior and re-direct it the way that you want to. Make sure you do it in a way that is motivating and helps the employee improve.
- Grow
Most employees want to grow within your organization, have a career path and make more money as they move up. Do you have a procedure for those employees that want to go from team member to a leadership position of a unit manager or district manager? Have you communicated exactly what they need to be able to scale? If the answer is no, you are leaving a great opportunity behind.
Implement these 5 strategies to develop leaders in your organization.
- Separate
Employees are going to leave your organization either voluntarily or involuntarily. When this happens, you need to assure that their dignity is hold up and they are treated with respect. The only way you can certify this is by having clear policies and procedures for this stage of the employee life cycle.
Why should this matter? Because once they leave, they'll talk about your organization. This employer branding can help or hurt you in the long term.
Business systems to be successful
As you can see, every one of these phases requires your attention and focus. And you must define processes, procedures, and company policies to ensure that all the leaders in your organization are executing these stages correctly.
These are just some of the business management systems you must implement. There are a lot more! If you would like to learn what they are and how to execute them, join us at our multi-unit masterclass, where we share the keys that business owners need to have to scale and be successful.
Go to www.MultiUnitSuccess.com to register for our next free information session, learn the content of the program, how we deliver it, and what you’ll get from it to grow your organization.
Don’t forget to give us a thumbs up on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and subscribe to our YouTube Channel where we share daily tips and information so that you can be successful.
- How consistent are your recruiting, hiring, and your onboarding processes?
- Have you spent enough time to train your employees, and document the how-to’s, so they can perform the way you expect?
- Do you have disciplinary and recognition procedures to keep your staff in the right direction?
- How are you developing the future leaders of your organization?