Should you Hire a Franchise Business Coach?
Nov 08, 2022
Being an entrepreneur is not easy. To be successful, we require a wide variety of knowledge, skills, capital, and grit to acquire whatever we are missing.
- Fortunately, to accompany us there’s the figure of the business coach, someone that can guide us through our growth as a professional and even maybe as a person.
These professionals are important in the lives of every entrepreneur or franchisee, whether experienced or not.
When I first launched The American Franchise Academy, six years ago in 2016, I didn't have a business coach. But then I hired my first one and since then, everything started to turn around.
I have had several business coaches. Each of them fulfilled the different needs the team and the organization had as they evolved. And a lot of our growth and how we can serve many more clients and franchisees at large are because of those relationships.
That’s why when I say it is important to hire a franchise business coach, I say it from my own experience and from seeing so many entrepreneurs change their businesses so dramatically. But, is this the right move for you? These are 10 reasons to hire a franchise business coach.
1. You’ll learn what you are missing
A lot of our clients come to us with specific things they want to learn because once the business is opened, the challenges, obstacles, and all the things they are missing become visible.
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That's what motivates them to look for a coach or some kind of training or course to guide them through this business understanding.
Tip: as you're selecting your coach, look for someone that has done it, that has been there, and who will share their experience and knowledge, as well as anything else that they have been exposed to in their career.
2. You will close your knowledge gaps
A business coach will also help you discover the things you don’t even know you don’t know. Those things could be more important for you as an entrepreneur because they are your blind spots.
Those areas you had no idea you are missing might be the things you need to look for to operate a healthy business.
3. You’ll open your eyes to what’s possible
A lot of times, we have self-imposed limits. We set our minds on what we can do with our business, even though we wish and dream other things were possible.
When you have the right business coach, they help you break those limitations and open your eyes so you can see the overall possibilities of your franchise business.
4. They will offer unbiased insights
These professionals will give you an objective and unbiased view of your business. The problem is that as a business owner, you are too attached to your businesses. It's your baby! And many things in your life depend on that business. Because of that, you might be very subjective with everything related to it.
But having a business coach that can objectively give you recommendations on what you need to do and why you need to do it, will compensate for that. The goal is to make decisions based on objective information despite your attachment so you can do the right thing for your business.
5. You’ll be better prepared to navigate challenging times
In the last decade or two, there's been good times and bad times for businesses. If you hire a business coach who has been coaching for a long time and was able to come out the other side successfully, you’ll have access to critical information and knowledge to face challenging times.
Sadly, those difficult times are coming. When Covid first happened, The American Franchise Academy focused on assuring our clients could get through this crisis by applying many strategies and tactics.
We're proud to say that all those clients are still in business today! That is what a franchise business coach can do for you.
Dear Franchisee: You are not alone! Learn here how The American Franchise Academy™ can help you!
6. They will provide clarity
You might be looking for a coach because there are things you don't know or you don't have clarity on your business. Perhaps you were inspired by the idea of buying a franchise and being a successful entrepreneur, but you are struggling and feel paralyzed.
A good franchise coach who has that knowledge and experience can give you the steps to go from one place to another and the certainty to move forward with your business.
7. You’ll build your confidence
The goal of the coach is that you don’t need them forever. They ought to give you the knowledge and the tools to thrive, and all of this information should bring you the confidence to implement those resources on your own in the future.
Some of my clients tell me that one of the great things they got from our program is not only seeing what was possible but how a lot of other people were doing it. They got inspired to make things happen instead of being paralyzed because of a lack of confidence.
8. They will help you follow a plan
When you have clarity and confidence you can grow and open new units. And the franchise business coach will bring to the table some sort of a framework so you can go from point A to point B, to C, and then D and, eventually, have the tools you need to be successful, even as a multi-unit franchisee.
Don’t miss these pros & cons of becoming a multi-unit franchisee.
9. They can pave the way to your success
Once you have built a plan, these professionals will support you in executing it not only when you are with them but also after their services are over.
Being able to build that plan and execute it year after year is what's going to give you the ability to grow, expand, and thrive in your business.
10. Personal & professional growth
When you work with someone that shares all of this knowledge and experience, and who can guide you through the process of acquiring business tools for your success, you can only grow, both personally and professionally.
Have a successful relationship with your business coach
These are two things you have to do to have successful coaching:
- Make sure you hire the right coach for you. Do your due diligence, learn about their background, and how they help. Ask them if they can walk you through the 10 things that a business coach should bring to the table.
- Implement what they are teaching you so you get the fruits of that work. Stop gathering information and start executing the things you learn to make a difference and see your business transform.
The American Franchise Academy focuses on business coaching. Our mission is to help franchisees implement the knowledge, resources, and skills they get from our guidance so we can watch them grow and succeed in the multi-unit enterprise.
If you would like to explore the possibility of working with me and my team so you can acquire those tools and information to be successful, join us in our upcoming webinar about our programs for multi-unit franchisees!
Go to and register to discover our framework and process and how we guide our clients to achieve their dreams of business and financial freedom.
Reach out to us if you have any questions! Subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Also, listen to our podcast Franchise Success Formulas on Spotify and Google Podcasts.
- Are you aware of all the possibilities your business has or are you limiting your growth?
- How biased are you when you make decisions for your business?
- Are you struggling with your franchise or enjoying the fruits of your business?
- How can you overcome your blind spots as an entrepreneur?